Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bright and vivid colors

Colorful flowers do make our days shine... When these flowers start to dry out, little thorns come out replacing their petals. Even though I see them around every year in the garden I still don't know their names.

These flowers go to Today's Flowers, the virtual flowers blog that displays flowers from around the world.


SandyCarlson said...

Wow! Those colors are gorgeous. Lovely blossoms.

Anonymous said...

Hello Cris,
I am very pleased to read your comment on my blog.
I love your yellow flowers.
Great pictures.
Perhaps they belong to the cosmos family - cosmos bipinnatus.
- Cheers Gisela.

Gina said...

Cris, também encontrei com o nome de Cosmos bipinnatus.
Singela, mas linda. Encontrei outro dia um canteiro na calçada repleto de cosmos.

Daniela said...

Lovely shots of your flowers, love the colour and the perfectly blury background.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic photos of very beautiful flowers. A delight to the eyes.